Larry Trocha here.
Have you ever ridden a horse that totally ignored what you
were asking him to do?
He wouldn't slow down, he wouldn't stop and he just did
what he pleased?
I'll tell you, I've ridden horses like that and it's a dangerous thing.
Nothing is more scary than being on an "out of control" run-a-way.
Especially out on the trail.
I've seen horses like that blindly run across a busy highway.
I've seen them stampede through barbwire fences.
I've even seen them run off a 20 foot cliff and fall into a lake
(I was ON that one).
Some horses will throw a fit and lose their minds if they don't
get their own way.
(Buddy sour horses going crazy when their buddy leaves)
Lots of people have been injured (some killed) in these
dangerous situations.
And if you own a horse like that… it's time to fix it before you
become the next visitor to the hospital emergency room.
Unfortunately, there are some horses that simply REFUSE TO
COOPERATE with their rider.
The rider may have tried to train the horse to be good but the
horse simply blows it off and does what he wants anyway…
Putting his rider in harms way time after time.
In situations like this, it's time for DRASTIC MEASURES.
Drastic measures that will convince the horse to listen and
cooperate… no matter what.
Here's the bald-faced truth.
With horses like this, you really only have two options:
OPTION #1. Fix the problem. Yep, fix it (no matter what it takes).
Or at least give it your best try.
Do whatever is necessary to turn that horse into a useful animal.
Either do it yourself or send the horse to a reputable,
professional trainer who is qualified to do the job.
OPTION #2. Accept the fact you own a horse that's too dangerous
to ride.
Of course, we all know what this option will lead to.
The horse will end up at a local sale yard where he'll be auctioned
off to an unsuspecting novice (who's gonna get hurt) or he'll be
purchased by the "meat buyer".
I'm hoping you'll give the horse a chance and go for OPTION #1.
I've just uploaded a new video to my online training course,
Groom, Saddle, Ride & Fix Bad Behavior.
In this new video, I demonstrate a technique that will work on
just about any horse.
In "REAL TIME" you'll see me apply the technique to a horse
that just won't listen or respond to normal cues.
I teach him to pay attention to me, to slow down and stop
whenever I ask him to… and do so on a LIGHT rein.
In a period of about 15 minutes, this horse transforms from a
horse that wouldn't stop at all… into a horse that's SLIDING
TO A STOP with only a light touch of the reins.
Yes, you read that right.
The horse went from not stopping at all… to sliding to a stop
in less than 15 minutes.
When applied correctly, this training method actually works
that good.
The best part is, just about any rider (who possesses
common sense) can apply this technique.
You DO NOT need to be a great rider to get it to work.
Anyway, if this sounds like something that could help you,
I encourage you to take the time to check it out.
Here's the link:
If you like what you see, go ahead and sign up.
Okay, that's all for now and I'll see you in the members area.
Take care,
Larry Trocha
Larry Trocha Training Stable
P. S.
In case you're wondering… "NO", I doubt you've ever seen
this extreme training technique before.
And NO, you'll NEVER see it demonstrated on ANY horse
trainer or clinician's DVD.
NOR will you ever see it demonstrated at ANY clinic by ANYBODY.
And NO, it has nothing to do with playing "games", horse whispering,
clicker training, laying them down or beating them with a 2 x 4.
Furthermore… NO professional horse trainer ever shows this
technique to anybody other than his closest friends.
He does NOT show it to any of his clients… he doesn't even show it
to his own mother.
But YOU have the opportunity to see it for yourself, first hand.
I'm hoping you are judicious enough to use it wisely.
P. P. S.
If you're already a member of Groom, Saddle Ride & Fix, you'll
find the new video in the members area and the link will say,
"Horse Won't Stop – Drastic Measures".
I think you're gonna find this technique extremely useful.
Let me know what you think by posting your comment at the
bottom of that page.