“Balanced Basics” Groundwork by Professional Horse Trainer, Erin Adderley
Balanced Basics Groundwork – Online Streaming Videos
Finally… a top horse trainer shares how to create a balanced partnership with your horse through groundwork. Effective groundwork that relates to the horse in the round pen as well as on the lunge line and under saddle.
Does your horse have behavioral issues on the ground or when he’s being ridden?
Is your horse stiff, unyielding, disrespectful or crowd you and push into your space?
Do you ever struggle with keeping your horse’s attention… or is your horse afraid of people? Skidish, hyper and doesn’t want to be touched?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, this may be the most important horse training information you’ll ever read.
Most horse owners have heard of the benefits of good groundwork. They may have even purchased a ground work training video and tried it on their horse.
Unfortunately, lots of people who have tried, quickly discovered many of the training methods to be:
#1. Difficult to understand or implement.
#2. Ineffective… or doesn’t produce results that are good enough.
#3. Not practical in relation to the owner’s situation or facilities.
#4. Simply a method of running the horse in circles to temporarily tire him out.
#5. Here’s the BIGGEST FAULT of all… the groundwork methods don’t carry over or relate to when the horse is being ridden under saddle.
Because of the above reasons…
I’ve never recommended anyone’s groundwork training before… but this one is exceptional. The best I’ve seen!

Reining and cutting horse trainer, Larry Trocha
Hi – I’m Larry Trocha.
During my horse training career, I’ve watched a ton of horse training videos.
Some of them were pretty good… but most of them, I felt were seriously LACKING.
If you’ve been with me for a while, you know I seldom personally recommend another trainer’s videos.
However, the groundwork training which Erin Adderley teaches in her online training course is the exception to the rule.
Her groundwork videos are by far the best I’ve seen. I liked them enough to ask Erin if I could carry them on my website.
The main reason I like Erin’s ground work so well is because her “GROUNDWORK TRAINING” results in a much improved “RIDING” HORSE.
It’s not groundwork just for the sake of groundwork. It’s groundwork that will make your horse safer, more controllable and more reliable… both on the ground and under saddle.
Here’s what you’ll learn with the “Balanced Basics” Groundwork, online training course:
- How to get your horse to actually WANT to cooperate with you and do what you ask. In other words, have him thinking that “pleasing you” is actually a REWARD.
- How to get control of every part of the horse’s body… meaning you can control his head, neck, shoulders, ribcage, feet and hindquarters.
- Most importantly, you’ll learn how to get control of your horse’s BRAIN, THOUGHT PROCESS and ATTITUDE.
- You will see how to teach your horse to learn and search for the right answers to your requests.
- With Erin’s training program, you’ll learn how to teach your horse to do a spin on his hindquarters… and a pivot on his forequarters… from the ground, before you ever get on his back!
- How to get your horse to be light and supple in the halter… even lower his head with just a touch.
- How to teach your horse to lightly back-up with just your finger-tips on the halter or lead line.
- How to teach your horse to work on the lunge line or turned loose in a pen.
- How to make a “hyper” over-reactive horse much more calm, relaxed and thinking, instead of just reacting out of fear or anxiety.
- How to get a lazy, unresponsive horse to become an attentive and willing partner.
- How to teach your horse to be good about having his feet handled… makes him good to shoe.
You’ll learn all this plus a lot more.
To summarize, the whole purpose of Erin’s groundwork training is to have a better riding horse. A horse who is soft, supple and knows how to accept pressure without freaking out.
The training exercises are fun and you will see positive changes in your horse almost instantly!
When you go through this ground work program, you’ll find your horse is more relaxed, more attentive, softer on the halter, and has a much better connection with you.
Here’s something you’ll learn that is very, very important!
You’ll see the training sessions happen in “real time” without any heavy editing… meaning you’ll see EXACTLY how the training sessions should go.
Plus, you’ll hear Erin explain what she’s doing and why she’s doing it… in PLAIN ENGLISH.
No horsey jargon… no mysterious explanations which have a hidden meaning… none of that confusing stuff!
Which means, you won’t have to “guess” how a real-life training session should go. After watching this video course, you’ll “know” exactly what to do.
In the course, you’ll see Erin work with two different horses.
The first horse is already trained. With this horse, Erin shows how the finished horse should act and respond on the lunge line. She also uses this horse to clearly show you her training cues and how they are applied.
The next horse she works with is completely green. A 2-year-old which has been almost untouched.
This filly is clueless about how she is supposed to act.
In the beginning she pays absolutely no attention to Erin.
The filly just runs around the pen loose, anxious and hyper. Nor does she want to be touched.
She’s so over-reactive, she works herself up into a FRENZY before the training session has even started.
However… by the end of this first session… you’ll see this filly DRAMATICALLY change right before your eyes. (Side note: The concepts taught in this first session are so powerful, it’s something every horse owner should see)
In this training course, you’ll see Erin work with this filly a total of six (6) sessions.
By the end of the sixth session, you won’t believe it’s the same horse. The training totally transformed the filly from an uncontrollable, hyper-active basket case… into a quiet, gentle and cooperative horse.
A horse that is willing, responsive and happy to please.
I’m not exaggerating when I say the transformation was totally amazing.
Like I said earlier, I’ve never recommended anyone’s groundwork training before. But after you see Erin’s groundwork training, you’ll understand exactly why I wanted to share it with you.
I think you’ll love it.
This video training course is for people who want good results right away.
Look, I know you’re probably skeptical.
However, If you’ll apply what Erin shows you in this training course, you can expect really good results the very first day… or at the least, vast improvement.
Watch the streaming videos as many times as you’d like for an entire year. You can watch on any COMPUTER, TABLET or SMART PHONE.
This online horse training course is being offered at a ridiculously low price of only $97… that’s less than .27 cents a day!
100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
If you’ll apply yourself, I guarantee you’ll get good results using the information in this video training course. If not, simply send me an email and I’ll guide you to it.
If you’re still not satisfied, let me know within 30 days and I’ll cancel your membership and give your money back.
Get started by placing your order now!
Get started by clicking the “Add To Cart” button below. Then, simply fill out the secure “Check Out” page.
A few seconds after you submit your order, you’ll receive an email containing your username and password (If it’s not in your “Inbox”, check your spam or junk folder). Simply login and start watching. Okay, do it now and I’ll see you in the “Members Area”.
Balanced Basics Groundwork – Online Streaming Videos
Watch as many times as you want.
1-year membership: $97

Frequently Asked Questions
Question #1
Is this training course available on DVD?
A: No, it isn’t.
This course consists of video, audio and written instruction. Formats which won’t all work on a dvd.
Even if it would, it would take 7 or 8 dvds to hold all the information in the course. Which means the retail price would need to be a lot higher.
Question #2
I don’t know much about the internet. Is this online training course easy to access and use?
A: Yes.
When you purchase a membership to this course, you are emailed a username and password. Simply login (the link is at the top of every page) and click on the course membership you purchased. You will automatically be taken to the course.
The links to the content will be in a menu on the left side of the page. If you are using a tablet or smart phone, the menu may be at the bottom of the page instead of the left.
Question #3
I have a slow internet connection. Will I be able to watch the videos?
A: Yes, if you access the videos via your smart phone.
The videos are optimized to watch on any devise (computer, tablet or smart phone). If your internet connection is super slow, the videos won’t play well on a computer.
However, they will load and play fine on your smart phone.
Question #4
If I have problems accessing the course or watching the videos, is help available?
A: Yes, absolutely!
Go the the “Contact Us” page and you will find links to information that will help… or send us an email for help… or call us on the phone.
Question #5
At the end of my 1-year membership, will you automatically charge my credit card again?
A: No… We never charge anyone’s credit card unless they specifically authorize it.
Plus, we never “store” anyone’s credit card on our website servers. This insures your information is safe and not at risk.
Question #6
If I want to renew my membership, will I receive a discount?
A: Yes… a 50% discount if you want to renew.
Just let me know you want to renew via email and I’ll send you the discount coupon code.
About horse trainer, Larry Trocha
Reining and cutting horse trainer, Larry Trocha
Training horses professionally since 1980, Larry Trocha lives in California where he trains and shows horses for the public.
Larry also offers instruction to riders who want to learn reining, cutting or reined cow horse.
Larry is a long-standing member of the NCHA (membership #518) and the AQHA (membership #1187036).
You can contact Larry via his website: HorseTrainingVideos.com
Larry Trocha Training Stable
Phone: 209-642-2804
About horse trainer, Larry Trocha
Reining and cutting horse trainer, Larry Trocha
Training horses professionally since 1980, Larry Trocha lives in northern California where he trains and shows horses for the public.
Larry also offers instruction to riders who want to learn reining, cutting or reined cow horse.
Larry is a long-standing member of the NCHA (membership #518) and the AQHA (membership #1187036).
You can contact Larry via his website: HorseTrainingVideos.com
Larry Trocha Training Stable
Phone: 209-642-2804